OnePulse EMS and Golf:

Your trainer can custom design a workout plan that is specific to the golf swing.  Exercises done with OnePulse EMS can increase club head speed and add distance and accuracy to your shot making!  By working the specific muscle groups that are used to stabilize and anchor the golf swing and increasing range of motion, you’ll be playing better and with less fatigue!  

The physical demands of hitting a golf ball can be strenuous but consistent EMS training sessions proved to be highly beneficial increasing strength and stability. Specifically, older players and those with slower swing speeds can benefit the most from consistent training with OnePulse EMS.


Want to learn more? Please Fill out this form or call us at 561-676-5544.


Article in Golfweek titled “What the heck is 'electro muscle stimulation'? Is it good for golf fitness training?” Featuring OnePulse and Owner Jeff

“I enjoyed the experience and was shocked — pun intended — how much the workout was done without weights. I think this is great for those going through physical rehabilitation programs that maybe can’t put a ton of weight on their body. The machine works your entire body without being overly strenuous on the muscles and joints. It is a great option if you are tight on time for the week with workouts only being 20 minutes.” - Averee Dovsek, Staff writer for Golfweek

Passage from article titled “This space-age workout has golfers’ swing speeds skyrocketing”:

“In golf, Miha feels it’s found a target audience. At the highest levels, EMS training is a rocket booster for speed and performance. Among amateurs, it’s a low-impact, low commitment way for players to prevent injury, stay in shape, and train during the offseason.

And players are responding in kind. With Miha, strength sessions are streamlined and fitness goals easier to attain, leaving more time for players to spend out on the range or in pursuit of more speed. This, of course, comes in addition to Miha’s many other functional benefits, including increased flexibility and mobility, improved core and back strength, and boosted circulation.” -James Colgan, staff writer for